Little feet,
aren't the fantastic?
Look at the colors.
From baby pink,
to toddler soft,
to kindergarden proof!
I wonder where these feet will walk,
and where they will pause.
Which one will be curious and brave?
Which one will stick to the pavement when seeing something new?
Looking at these feet make us
incredibly proud,
incredibly grateful,
and intensely happy.
And a tiny little bit self conscious.
They are a perfect mix between his and mine.
(bless them for having ugly feet when they are grown ups!)
A bit over the top, you think?
Our little Roemer is turning three this week.
Makes us mummy's sentimental, right?
PS. Next week I will cv again, been so busy!
Doll dress
For this weekends doll making course.
The girl can't go home naked, can she?
(sooooo looking forward to go!)
so we joined forces....
and started to put recycle bins for plastic, glass and paper in the little shed.
Not really pretty to look at,
so I made a patchwork curtain from left over fabrics.
I've been enjoying Alys Fowler's ' Edible garden' on telly a lot.
And we've decided our miniature city garden could be an edible one too.
So we have planted an apricot, two apple (Elstar and Cox pippin) and a pear tree.
Gnome curtains for the bigger shed, what will be our place to sow seeds in little pots.
Could not resist to put some Poppy's in.
(And not visible on photo but in our soil:
Lettuce, beets, herbs, kale, sweet corn, rhubarb, artichokes, peas, courgettes, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, lavender, olive tree, carrots and sunflowers. Oh, and to make our edible garden pretty some clematis climbers and wild flowers to cut).
Boy, we have been busy!

Earthday 2
I'm gonna be honest here.
Honest to myself and honest to the world.
I'm not the most honest.
I don't recycle all I could.
I sometimes do forget to bring grocery bags
and we over consume.
I'm the head of the household,
so I feel I'm responsible.
Responsible for our donation to this ever growing landfill,
responsible to set an example for my children.
I worry about meat with antibiotic resistant bacteria,
I worry about the general health of our foods,
I worry about our house that keeps filling with junk.
I worry about loads of things concerning environmental issues.
What is it, I can do?
I do clean with eco friendly products.
We eat mostly organic and I try to buy Dutch vegetables.
I don't eat any meat, all my boys love it, their meet is strictly organic.
And that's it.
My thing for the Earth stops right there.
(oh yes, of course I trow glass in the glass container, but don't we all?)
First thing, to set up our own recycle centre in the shed.
Next to the wines ;-)
I'll visit some eco sites with tips and tricks.
It's time....
Antiques and curiosa

Every saturday, we have an antique/ curiosa market in town.
I love to get on my bicycle early in the morning.
I try to leave the house by myself,
I never succeed,
Roemer always joins me.
So together we hunt for treasures.
And boy, did we succeed this week.
We were cyclin,
when my eye was caught by this box shape thing.
Not too big, but certainly not small.
Perfect size for a child's room.
There were some things stacked on top,
so I couldn't see much,
but I knew we had to stop, to have a better look.
I bought it as quick
as my eye can blink.
It must have been quite some time ago
a talented painter,
made this beautiful box for a very special little child.
This little child must have been so happy.
Imagine the look on her face when she first saw it.
How special can a toy box be?
And now, it's our job to treasure this treasure.
What a joy.

Corner View: ♥

I can do with a little health boost.
You know,
the one you manage to do yourself,
the one that sounds like:
'you are what you eat',
'you're worth it, look after yourself'
That kind of thing.....
What is my plan?
I have dusted the juicer.
We have made lovely carrot apple juices,
the children love it too.
Eat more raw vegetables.
(Years ago I was a health freak and seriously felt great eating all those raw things).
And do not forget to sip some liquid wheatgrass in our local juice store once in a while.
Cut down caffeine.
(black tea in my case)
Eat porridge oats every morning or at least 4 times a week.
Great to lower cholesterol and lift your mood.
Be happy
(that is the easiest one, I'm a happy camper by nature)
Spent extra hours wisely.
Rest, relax and enjoy each other without any rush.
No more left over easter eggs made out of chocolate,
substitute for figs and apricots dipped in dark chocolate.
Get friends who have great recipes, tips and ideas for family friendly super foods.
That is where you kick in!
Bring it in, those lovely tips about recipe food blogs.
Who else could do with a health boost?
will you join me?
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