Prepare the day before:
Make a 'wet on wet' watercolor painting on good quality paper.
Let dry and rub the back lightly with a cloth dipped in vegatable oil.
Leave overnight.
Cut big circles out of you paper,
I used a the biggest plate I could find in the house.
Fold in eight equal pieces.
Trim off the round bits with a ruler, scalpel/scissors.
Fold it in 16 equal pieces.
Fold a square,
turn paper a 1/4,
fold square again.
Your paper looks like this.
Get the corners and fold backwards.
Unfold and turn 1/4,
fold a square again,
fold the other corners backwards,
Your paper looks like this, with little diamond folds everywhere!
Those little diamonds are going to stay,
the big triangles need to be folded backwards.
(I know you are puzzled now,
but have a close look at your paper,
you will work it out!)
You See?
Big triangle is going backwards,
the little diamond is staying in front.
After a few triangles,
start to shape the bottom a bit.
Hurry, make more before you'll forget!
18 opmerkingen:
Oh leuk, daar was ik al eerder naar op zoek geweest..ik heb hier nog eentje staan maar die is inmiddels 20 jaar oud dus ..nu kan ik een nieuwe maken.
Dank je wel!
Wens je een heel fijne week!
ja! heel goed om me eraan te herinneren (en zo duidelijk met zoveel foto's!) die moeten we absoluut gaan maken!!
Wat een mooie! En wat een fijne! thnx
Mooi! Duidelijke "tutorial". Dank je!
Naaissss.. :D
Good idea, will have to make this a project for wet days like today, the kids can paint and I can fold...
you're just too good, lady :)
Dat is heel mooi en knap gemaakt.
grt, Helmi
That is really cool! Thanks for sharing. I have never seen that before.
Wat prachtig!
Amazing! I will start tomorrow, thank you!
Wat leuk, dat ga ik zeker proberen. Zou het ook gewoon van bakpapier kunnen?
Wat een leuke blog heb je, ik kom zeker vaker even langs kijken.
it looks great ... thanks for sharing
Thank you, thank you foe sharing this! I've been looking all over for a free tutorial.
Beautiful! Many thanks for sharing! xoxo
I am getting stuck here:
"Get the corners and fold backwards.
Unfold and turn 1/4,
fold a square again,
fold the other corners backwards,
What corners are you folding backward? Do you mean unfold the corners you just folded or unfold the entire thing? The square I am folding "again" is that on a new angle or re-folding one I have already folded?
I have tried this again and again for months now and can't get the last few steps :( Maybe more photos?
So cute! thanks for sharing.
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