Waldorf Star Lantern MYO!

Lost and found

In a far, far land,
in a little cottage on top of a big mountain,
lives a little girl.
She has no brothers or sisters.
Just like every other lonely child in the world,
she knows how different this can be sometimes.
For example, even when all the words spoken in the house are for her,
she often still wonders what is said.
The little girl thinks that when you get older,
you forget how to speak the language of the children.
She also found out that mum or dad don't like to sit under the table for a long time,
or like to eat candy first thing in the morning.
I am five years old now!
All I see is white from my window.
My mother calls me her 'Winter Wonder Fairy'.
She often tells me the story of my birth.
'She was looking at the ice crystal flowers on the windows
and saw the snow falling from the sky.
Then, she felt a bit weird
and there I was,
just like that.
A Miracle
A Midwinter wonder.'
I love that story,
I asked her hundreds of times
Can't you do that again?
I know there is a sister for me somewhere!
But no,
that is not the way it works,
they tell me.
You see?
They talk to me, but I don't understand a thing.
I am here,
why can't my sister be around?
Hopefully she will join us today,
after all, it is a very special day,
it is my birthday.....!
The little girl gets out of bed,
and starts to look for her sister.
She could already smell her birthday cookies in the oven.
When she entered the kitchen,
her mum and dad were sitting at the breakfast table,
waiting for her.
All the candles were lit and she saw a small present on top the table.
Her heart stopped,
could that be my sister?
'Go on, my Winter Wonder Fairy',
mum said. 'She is all yours!'
She carefully unknotted the ribbon,
got rid of the paper
and there she was.
A strawberry blond girl,
with little red cheeks,
smiling right at her.
Her sister,
her Midwinter Miracle,
her Wonder,
her 'Winter Wonder fairy'.

At the time only the fairies are awake....

Corner View: ' Nature/Recycle!'

Painting and a Kiss

Apples again!
Autumn Screen Print

Another thing,