
Gingerbread man

All these cookie cutters in the house,
and my favorite is still missing.
For two years now.
My very fancy Gingerbread man,
with buttons, face and all!

I know he must have run off,
every book tells me over and over.
But I can't believe from all the families around,
he would not stay at ours,
Sure we will eat all his clones,
but never ever 'The Man' himself!

I'm seriously considering an other.
Will anyone know a good man to order online?
(these days it's perfectly fine, to order a man online, I've been told)

Last night,
I decided to screen print some Gingerbread men.
I love how they came out.
A front and backside,
so I can turn them into decorations too.
They are so happy!
We are so ready for coming season
with all her festivities.

After showing all the cookie cutters to my children,
they love to look at every one of them,
we had to do some baking of course.
The Halloween and Pirate cutters were favorites this time around.
We made chocolate and vanilla dough.

We couldn't use Poppy around,
so we locked her in a treasure chest and gave her a magic popsicle to keep calm.

(Disclaimer: she is having a sore throat and love to sit in the box)

PS. The rabbits work well!
The boys love them.

Happy weekend,

12 opmerkingen:

Lollipop zei

happy we to you too

Roos zei

Mmm, wat een heerlijke post is dit weer Guusje! Ik word er helemaal warm van - en krijg zin in koekjes ;-)
Fijn weekend met z'n allen!

Rosa Rood zei

Ha mooie gingermannen, hoor!
Heel mooie spullen verkopen ze op
Of in Duitsland op een van de grotere kertsmarkten staan altijd kraamen met uitstekers..
Ikzelf heb mijn man uit London mee genomen..
Fijn weekend!

..en ja hoor, de peren-crumble is/was echt delicious ;-)

Renske zei

Guus, wat ziet het er heerlijk uit, keuken met fijne spullen en prachtige ramen, kindje Pos in de box, speelspullen all over the place,



Bree zei

die tas..!!

balen dat die mannetjes altijd weglopen
de volgende achter slot en grendel.

heerlijke blogpost guus

Maia zei

Myam! Look at those cookie cutters!!

Marjolein zei

Wat heb je toch een geweldige blog! Ik lees met veel plezier. En volgens mij woon jij in een Heerlijk Huis met al dat prachtige daglicht!

Belinda zei


Saskia zei

Mooie koekies! En wat zit Poppy lief in de box! Zoet koppie!
Fijn weekend!

= lingonsmak zei

Found your blog a few days ago over your note on "kleinformat" – what a beautiful site you have! Nice design! Kind regards, Katrin / lillalingon.de

Eline Du Mongh Photography zei

wat heb jij toch een aangenaam blogje om te lezen


Dina zei

hi, my cookie cutter collection and cake tins are on display!! Come over my blog and see them if you like :)