I notice.
It's maybe strange to say,
but I did and I do.
My mother tells me hilarious stories,
about me noticing things when I was a little girl.
One of my favorite stories is when my mother's friend came to visit.
I was very little.
Of course I secretly stared from the corner of the room.
And when she was gone,
I began telling my mother stories about a lady with huge balls of
sand in her eyes.
And the way she ate her cookie was like this,
do you know she had a weird toe too?
My mother always smiled of course,
knowing I was telling all the details one could see about her friend today.
Today I still notice.
From people's new haircut to spotting a little change in make up.
Kiefer is just like me,
even before he could speak,
he pointed with his finger,
the little changes we sometimes made in the living room
while he was sleeping.
The world can be overwhelming and a little scary too
when you are little and notice a lot.
I notice in Kiefer,
and still notice in me.....
To celebrate CV a little 'must bake'.
Pasteis De Nata
This is proper slow food.
Make sure you bake them for a crowd,
otherwise you will eat them all by yourself.

Recipe by the lovely, beautiful and talented (Yes, I am a fan):
For the Dough:
250 g cold unsalted butter
250 g flour
40 g fine white sugar
pinch of salt.
Mix all in a food processor till it forms crumbs.
Add two or three table spoons of cold water.
Make a dough,
leave in fridge for a couple of hours,
wrapped in cling film.

Take out the dough,
roll out
try to make a rectangle
(40 by 35 cm)
Cut in half
make two huge sausages.
Cut 6 little ones out of 1 big
Put a little sausage straight up,
push with your thumbs the dough
into the greased muffin tin.
Leave in fridge while you start the custard.
100 g fine white sugar
30 g flour
185 ml milk
1 vanilla pod
rind of lemon (1 big piece)
3 egg yolks
125 ml single cream
In a saucepan:
3 tablespoons of water and all sugar.
Leave to simmer until it thickens a bit, but doesn't caramelize.
Put the flour in a bowl and add a bit of the milk.
Stir until it forms a paste.
Leave aside.
In another saucepan:
Put in the rest of the milk, the lemon rind and a vanilla pod.
When it's a bit warmed up, take the vanilla pod out and cut in half.
Scrape out the marrow with a knife and put in the milk.
Leave until it almost boils.
Take out the lemon rind,
stir in to the flour paste and whisk well.
Add the egg yolks,
put mixture back in the saucepan on a low heat
and whisk for two minutes until smooth.
Take off the heat and add sugar sirup slowly while whisking.
Put in something that pours easily.
Preheat the oven (220 degrees)
Pour mixture in dough cups,
fill for ¾ .
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or golden brown.....