In February we will become the proud owners of the house next door.
Two little houses will become one big one.
A bedroom for everyone,
a playroom for the children,
and our own studio space!
I'm not a big poster fan,
we love little handmade things on our walls.
They are so much more alive.
With all these walls to decorate,
I'll make you a proposal, you hopefully will like as much as I do:
My 'Anything on the wall' artwork will be send to you,
your 'Anything on the wall'- artwork will be send to me!
You make what you like, as long it's suitable to hang on the walls.
I'll will do my very best to make something nice for you as well.
I'm so looking forward to have a tiny piece of you, blogfriends,
glued on our walls.
Fab idea, don't you think?
A creative kiss, Guusje
PS. Anything means Anything,
photographs, collage, prints, textiles, whatever you fancy to make.