Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
Include their Honest Truths, and here are hers.
Thank you, Juniper!
I always find your blog a warm and surprising place, I love your thoughts and the way you're able to express yourself. Your blog inspires me and I am a lucky bird to be your friend. Big Kiss!
The truths of Jupe:
- I think I may like brownie batter better then the cooked final thing.
- I somehow find putting the children's books all in place calming, even if the rest of the room still has toys and pillow strewn around, somehow its the books being cared for that brings a kind of odd satisfaction.
- I think Northern Exposure and Mad Men may well be the best two series I have seen thus far.
- I am an oatmeal fan .
- I am a maple syrup snob, I just don't see the point in eating a good waffle or pancake with out the real thing, would rather go yogurt and honey if there is no proper maple syrup on hand.
- I long to return to Nepal one day.
- I love almonds, lemons, and very dark chocolate (not all together).
- It irritates me to no end when my husband farts (loudly) next to me in the morning (how can a person enjoy their latte and toast after that)??! I mean really.
- I can get sucked into a book or a film almost to the point where if the phone rings I can forget who and where I actually am.
- I love the smell of a carpenters shop, wood shavings and so on (not the varnish sprays).
Now it's time to share some of mine:
- If the weather would allow, I'd never wear shoes or boots.
- People often think I'm an very open person, the truth is that I'm not really. I keep a lot to myself and I love to be on my own.
- I believe in true soul mates. I've met a few in my life. Thank you, mates, for being there.
- I'm a dreamer, I can be away with the fairies for days.
- I love to bake far more than I like to cook.
- I've read more cookbooks in the past years than novels (gosh, I miss reading on a sunday morning in bed with a hot latte and dito husband).
- I wear dresses nineteen out of twenty days.
- I think Blogland is awesome, I find little surprises everyday, look at interesting people and become inspired by beautiful Arts and Crafts.
- I wish I would go to the most luxurious Hamam, one can think of, every week, soak in hot tubs and meditate. Then, practice Yoga with a wonderful teacher, in a peaceful space with warm lights and natural interior
- I'd love to be a health food nutritionist / therapist one day, but eat far to much rubbish these days, so probably I'm kidding myself to the max.
Now it's my turn to give the award to four people.
fuoriborgo : I truly enjoy reading your blog. I love the little bake activities and admire your crafts. I like the family factor on your blog.
picnic : I believe we could have been friends in real life! Love your blog!
Malo: The interiors you collect are amazing. Dito for your photography. Keep on going!
Modsquad: Always a pleasure to have a look on your blog. I just adore the Super Rice Girl! Yeah, she rocks!
10 opmerkingen:
Oh, thank you Guusje, I'm quite honored! I love your list, I can just imagine you away with the fairies, in one of your dresses! Have a great Sunday!
merci merci my dear friend and dreamer. your list is wonderful. i like it. now i've to think about my list ;-) wish you a wonderful start into the new week*
Love your list my dear! A trip to a Hamam ... oh what a nice idea . Perhaps we could go with Suna to Turkey one day- wouldn't that be fun. Hope your enjoying the start to a new week!
x x
hmmm hamammmmmmmmm
vandaag gaatie op de bus [postkantoor was dicht op zaterdag.. nou VRAAAAG ik je..!]
What a beatiful list!
XX Nina
Oh! You are so stinkin' sweet!! Thank you! I'm blushing!
I LOVE your list! I totally agree... feet were meant to be bare! So fun to get to know you a little bit better!
Wishing you a happy week!!
Gefeliciteerd met je award Guusje.
Groetjes Michaja
I found your blog while reading over at Fuoriborgo, and want to say how lovely your blog is.
I have a relative named Guus who lives in Hilversum and so was inspired to check out your blog. Although I was born in and live in America, I was raised by dutch parents. I'm tickled that I can read the comments in both languages.
"Bedankt" for such a wonderful blog. - Conny
I love your list. And I love blog-land too. It really is an amazing world to be part of. Thank you so very much for the words. You made me happy!
Ohmygosh - thanks for reminding me, I haven't done Juniper's award yet!!
I love your water - you are so creative!What a colorful imagination you have!
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