Thank you all for the positive feedback on my work
every time again
no matter if you said it
or even more
it is highly appreciated
and very, very welcome!

(mes amies et moi a minuit, 4 colors)
This week has been full of decisions,
opportunities and thoughts.
I had to think about all the effort I put in my screen prints
versus the money I earn....
not good
A bit of a reality check
I narrowed my thousand thoughts
(...find a job outside the house,
go digital
be more commercial in your products,
stop cutting all your designs out of paper
work with one screen instead of
using them all in one print,
simply stop making everything by hand,
don't make up story lines for your prints....)
to this choice:
a. stop making such an effort
(RU Kiddin'?)
b. charge more
I simply can't stop making an effort
I have too many fantastic, manic ideas!
(from the 100 i have, 1 will enter the blog, haha)
(There is a hand screen printed 3D Theater coming!!!)
So I had to go with b.
my prices went up
and I will make even more effort.
I'm sorry
for me it was a choice for going with this
or stop selling
sometimes life can be very simple
even when it is a bit harsh...
So I hope you all bare with me.
I have some exciting news in a few days.
See you then!
(PS. the little minarets will be here soon
after changing composition & colors a million times
I now know how to print them!)
Lots of love and a great weekend,