Sometimes you just fall in love again.
Today I came across two remarkable things.
The first found in my studio.
This flower was my very first print here in Holland.
I was so excited.
I couldn't wait to get home to show my love
what screen printing meant to me.
To show
is better than
to tell.
I framed the flower today and now it proudly hangs in my living room,
for me to remember that day.

The second remarkable thing
was found on my blog today.
I appreciate every visit here,
on my blog.
I can be very insecure sometimes,
especially about work stuff.
I often don't say a lot,
afraid to say all the wrongs instead of the rights.
So 'Followers' and 'Comments' are a super treat to me!
Often a motivation to go on with the whole online thing.
Today something special happened.
I pressed the icon of one of the new followers of this blog
(Thank you and be very welcome everyone!!!)
and was amazed to see
which I bought years ago when I lived in Winchester!!!!
Isn't that the coolest thing?
I'm so amazed!
Crossing each other in this big world
at different times in different ways
and take a little piece of each others world home.
I like!!!!
I still love my Lamp and always will!
PS. My organic cotton bags are on their way!!!