It still holiday,
so no screen printing for me.
After treating myself to Origami,
now a little something for the oven.

This is a basic recipe,
for anything you wish to have in a cake.
1 medium courgette (grated and left for a night to loose some liquid)
2 mashed bananas
add anything you like,
today I added:
soaked apricots and figs in little pieces.
Dried bananas and almonds on top.
100 g softened butter
150 g soft brown sugar
(I use way less or a spoonful honey/agave/maple syrup, if adding bananas or dried fruits)
2 eggs
200 g flour (I used Kamut flour today)
3 teaspoons of baking powder
Beat butter and sugar light and fluffy
Add eggs
Beat really hard.
Add flour and baking powder
Add your courgettes or banana mixture.
Put in a greased loaftin bake 40- 50 minutes at 180 degrees.