Happy tea time!
Corner View: Fri-Sat-Sun & Fun-day
(Always look ahead....)
On a little star, far, far from planet Earth, lived a tiny little boy. In a little house, with a little chimney. The boy found himself thinking what to do in this funny landscape. Grow some vegetables? Build a treehouse? Ride his bike? He kept wondering and pondering, because nothing seemed to be suitable for this stardom. One could even say, he was a bit lost.

One morning, a little packet arrived. A roadmap and a bright red rocket in a big carton box. The boy was even more clueless as ever, what was he to do? He stored the rocket in his kitchen cupboard and went to bed. The next morning when he was looking for starberry jam for his toast, he thought of a plan.
The boy stayed around and every 12 and a bit full moons, the big people get all excited. Cakes are baked, decorations hung and even the grumpiest persons on this planet start to sing a special song. The fun part is, that he gets a lot of new toys. All wrapped in colorful paper that you rip off and suppose to trow away. Big fun and at the same time, a very big mystery why on every other day, you are not allowed to torn paper, leave on the floor till someone picks it up and put in the bin. But the boy was not complaining.
He could climb in the bright red rocket and fly to the big green/blue planet. Maybe he could even discover what the two funny red things where on the map. Maybe they were exiting sweets or new shoes. He could do with a new pair, he quickly decided.
The bright red rocket flew and flew. The roadmap told the magic thing where to go. The rocket soon disappeared when they arrived in a British street. There was a house and as soon he ran the doorbell, two big persons took over. The boy watched them with big eyes and wondered what he was suppose to do. The grown-ups had everything sorted, no red shoes though, but lots of other things. A new bed, a lot of kisses and even a tear of happiness and did he hear it right? There was even a name for him. Gosh, that was a nice surprise, almost like they were waiting for the boy for a while. He felt very, very special.

The boy was quite clever, but he never figured out why this big bird was flying around the house. What a scary creature. After a few day, the boy screamed so hard at him, that the big bird left his nest on top of the chimney. Much better. The big people thought that he was hungry again, so they keep feeding him sweet milk. Oh well, they where not so sure of things after all. But he was confident that they would get along fine.
No-one ever figured out in these four years, that he came to Earth for some new red shoes, but maybe.....maybe, this weekend, when all the people arrive, he will get those funny shaped, red things, he was so looking forward to.
We will see....
The Case of the Bizar Winner
This morning, I decided to let my, almost 4 year old, pick the winner for my Give Away.
He can't read, so names say nothing to him. I showed him the list of comments and he took charge of the job. He said he was finished, while I took a stroll to the door. The postman arrived early today and guess what was given to me? A beautiful crocheted hat and two beautiful bracelets from Liset.
Oh Yes, you are right.... He picked Liset! Can you believe that????
Well, girl, You will get a little packet soon! I've got your address, so you can sit back and wait.

Anyone who would like to get a POTATO-KISS, you're welcome to get one! I've got great lips, I've been told ;-)
I am a little bit proud....
Treasure Hunt
We are going on a treasure hunt, see you in two weeks, we'll let you know what we found.
PS. That means the winner will be picked in two weeks also, sorry! Keep putting your name down, you'll never now.....
Lots of Love, have a good time,
Corner View & Give Away
In the Netherlands, we like potatoes!
My favorite will be little slices Nicola's, skin still on, in the oven with some sea salt, rosemary and olive oil.
Because I like to share our red/white/blueness, I made you a Potato-bag, I even Potato Kissed him, for free! I will put tiny little Delft's Blue clogs in it, so you actually can say when you are a grandma, you payed a visit to Delft. That would be funny, not?
Simply leave you name, next Corner View I draw a winner.
Good luck, everyone!
Big Kiss, Guusje
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